Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Islam .... always misunderstood

Islam has been misunderstood throughout the ages.

It is only fair that you have different view and understanding all because who you talk to, be it those who profess to be muslim and those who are not. Taking a simple understanding of the religion, all those who profess to the religion are those who submit, while those who does not are the unbelievers (known as kafir). As it is it is a choice of an individual and Islam never force anyone to accept its teaching. And that is why we have muslims all over the world in every colour, race and nationalities.

Now that being said, Prophet Muhammad SAW (peace be upon him) did stress in one his hadith (tradition) that in the end, Islam will split into 73 groups, 72 will enter the hell hire (nar), only one will surely enter heaven (jannah), that is Jama'ah. Again, almost all who profess to be muslim will say and admit to the fact that they are the one, and only their group will be the one admitted to heavens.

Well, if we are to argue and debate this issue, until kingdom come, we will never ever admit that we are in wrong group, however if we can agree to accept the truth (HAQ) and nothing else but the truth, we have no problem about correcting ourself and maintaining the true path until judgement day.

The problems has always been who said it, who teaches it, which race or country he/she comes from, rather than the truth as mentioned in the "AL Quran" and "Al Hadith". Than comes the people who gave different intepretation towards the "Al Quran" and the "Al Hadith". For that reason and that reason alone we should be vary of any intepretation that leads to discreditting of the truth of Islam as originally brought to us by Prophet Muhammad SAW.

If Muslim are a misunderstood lot, there are no reasons for us to wonder how Non Muslim could know any better. Therefore it is only imperative that we correct our understanding first, before we could aspect others to really understand Islam as it is meant to be.

There is already an Anti-Islam Congress in Cologne that might just spark anger and hatred among people of the world. As the organizer are only finding ways to clarify their misunderstanding, most muslim will only add fire to their misunderstanding by demonstration and attempt to fight or to them JIHAD. This is where we tend to differ, we need to corrrect our own faith and believe for we know that at the end, Allah SWT, will protect Islam as long as the believer are through to the teaching brought by all his prophets since Adam Alaihissalam until the final revelation of the "Al Quran" through Muhammad SAW.

Only and until we correct ourself, Islam shall continue to be misunderstood.