Friday, May 30, 2008

GLOBAL@sinar-30 Mei 2008

Paderi Britain bimbang dengan pengaruh Islam

LONDON-Seorang paderi kanan Gereja England, Micheal Nazir-Ali berkata, kejatuhan nilai-nilai Kristian kini menjejaskan masyarakat di Britain, sekali gus memberi peluang kepada ajaran Islam untuk berkembang. Menurutnya, kehancuran kehidupan berkeluarga menyebabkan negara itu tidak dapat menyekat kebangkitan Islam yang mengisi ruang moral dan kerohanian.
Dalam serangannya terhadap nilai-nilai liberal, paderi tersebut berkata, Britain kini menyaksikan banyak keganasan awam dan pesta arak. Paderi kelahiran Pakistan itu menggariskan bahawa kejatuhan Kristian di Britain bermula sejak revolusi seks dan sosial pada 1960an. Menurutnya, nilai-nilai Kristian seperti maruah manusia, persamaan dan kebebasan mungkin terhakis dengan berkembangnya nilai-nilai Islam.
Tindakan paderi itu mengecam kehancuran nilai-nilai Kristian menyebabkan dia berbeza pendapat dengan pemimpin gereja seperti Dr Rowan Williams dan rakan-rakannya yang lain. Micheal sering mengkritik Islam dan pengaruhnya serta menyuarakan kebimbangannya mengenai kemunculan masjid-masjid baru di Britain.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Global News ... Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Imagine that you have been married for 30 years and never saw your wife's face. Well that is what happen to a guy, and one day recently he peek when his wife, aged 50 were asleep, she woke up and asked for a divorce. This seems to be a custom in the village (somewhere near Khamis Mushayt) where they lived.
Is this what Rasulullah SAW teaches us, and this happen in the land where Islam were officially declared. This is what happen when individual (in this case the village customs) supercede what Allah SWT through his messenger had taught. When husband and wife are legally married, they have access to one another.
There more stories that distort Islam and its beauty, just because most people who actually acknowledge that they are muslim they might not realise that the true and right (haq) way of iman (mukmin)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Good vs Right

People in their right mind, will always do good things as well as the right things. Along the way, we had to make a decision that some time is good but not necessarily right. Yet the decision or choice is ours alone unless we discuss with others.

There are times that we need to make a decision that might hurt people we care, like telling the truth. How can we do it right. The is a malay proverb : Menarik rambut dalam tepung, rambut tak putus dan tepung tak berselerak.(To pull a strand of hair from within the flour, the hair does not snap, the flour does not spread)